The bill came for 31 thousand rupees, the customer ran away without paying, you will be shocked to know what the restaurant did!

The bill came for 31 thousand rupees, the customer ran away without paying, you will be shocked to know what the restaurant did!

After going to a restaurant, people get so immersed in the atmosphere and delicious food that they do not notice that they have eaten more than their budget. After that, they are forced to pay the full amount. But some people try to be too clever and trap the restaurant in such strange excuses, so that either their bill is reduced, or they avoid paying the bill. A group of 6 people who went to eat at a restaurant in Scotland also tried to do the same. But knowing what the restaurant manager did, those 6 people (diners denied paying for restaurant) were shocked, and perhaps you will also be surprised, because those people reached the restaurant again the same night to pay the money.

His bill was around 300 pounds. (Photo: Daily Records)

According to the Daily Star News website, there is a restaurant named Black Bull in Dumfriesshire, Scotland. 6 people used to come there to eat dinner. The owner of the restaurant, 52-year-old Janie Seaton, while talking to the Daily Records website, said that after eating the food, those people seemed very upset with the main course, so she removed its money from the bill. The remaining bill was 300 pounds, i.e. 31 thousand rupees. But one person from that group later came and said that he found the whole meal to be useless, so he will not pay the remaining 31 thousand.

scotland 6 diners denied paying 31000 rupees

The police caught them and brought them to the restaurant. (Photo: Daily Records)

People left without paying money
Jenny said that the behaviour of those people was not good towards her and her manager as well. They said that the food was not so good that she should open her wallet and pay. Then Jenny felt that she should call the police immediately. Those 6 people had left the restaurant by that time. Jenny called the police and the police found those people the same night. Although there were 7 people, one of them paid his share of the bill before leaving.

The police caught the group
The police caught them and brought them to the restaurant. The owner said that she has faced such experiences before as well, if they had not paid the money this time, she would have dragged them to the civil court, but she would have kept her money. Jenny said that it is not just about money, she also has some principles which she follows.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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